Saturday 19 January 2019

Kill the Messenger

I compiled the two battle companies, named all my figures, and rolled up the first scenario.  I rolled up scenario 11-kill the messenger.  Now as I was playing solo, I dealt with the issue of the messenger easy enough by me not knowing who the messenger was for either side, and randomly selecting the messengers after the game.

Kazak's goblins and Aldhelm's hardy band met on the Wold amongst scattered rocks and gorse bushes.  Aldhelm's men formed shield wall, and met the Goblin's frenzied charge.  Aldhelm's men were pushed back and were losing momentum, and just when it looked like they would be pushed right from the battlefield, the archer Uhtred stepped up and threw himself into the fray on the flank.  The Goblins broke and ran shortly afterwards as their leader fell.

As it happened, Aldhelm and his company drove Kazak’s goblins from the field (just), but lost their messenger. By contrast, despite Kazak’s heavy losses, he could take some comfort in having achieved his objective and obtaining more influence with the Goblin King.  There are plenty more Goblins of course, and Kazak is rewarded with Gesnik the prowler
Kashak's Goblins

The initial battle company sheets are attached.  In the post recovery phase, all the wounded warriors survived, but crucially Reeak (Goblin Spear Hero) will miss the next game. Also, Theowold’s left arm now hangs uselessly at his side can no longer wield a shield, but he assures Aldhelm that he is fit for the next patrol…

Young Uhtred the archer picked off 2 goblins with his arrows before charging in and finishing off 2 more with his sword.  Adding another experience point for participating in a battle (on the losing side), means that he can now roll on a Hero Progression Chart.  He chooses the Shooting Progression chart, and rolls a 5 = Special Rule!  He rolls again on the Shooting Skills Chart, and rolls a 3 = Deadly accuracy.  Uhtred may now re-roll all in the way rolls.  Not bad!

Finally, Kazak himself lies wounded on the battlefield, and so the next scenario must be RESCUE!

Aldhelm's Men of Wold

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